I'm George Petrovski
Tell Me More

About me

Growth Mindset


Developer & Lifelong Leaner

I am currently in my final semester at Seneca College for the program Computer Programming and Analysis that I started in January of 2021 and have maintained a 4.0 GPA throughout the program. It has been a tough few years and the pandemic has taught me to be resilient and never give up. I’m currently building a few web applications by learning the material on my own. I enjoy working independently as well as in a group to create useful projects that can be adapted and configured to work in a variety of settings for larger scale projects. I have explored the React framework and made some simple projects like a To Do list application (can be viewed on Heroku: https://intense-depths-30796.herokuapp.com/) and an anonymous forum posting application using the latest encryption and authentication methods (https://hidden-earth-93222.herokuapp.com/). I also collaborated with a group of 5 people during the Bell sponsored Hackathon to create an environmentally sustainable solution using technology (https://rocky-anchorage-47766.herokuapp.com/). Previously, I was working as an account manager at a staffing firm where I learned to communicate effectively and listen attentively to meet and exceed the clients expectations. I characterize myself as an extremely hard worker that's willing to go above and beyond because I know that many people depend on the work that I do and I'll be making a lot of people really happy by getting my assignments finished ahead of schedule. Time management is one of my strongest skills that I acquired during my time at the University of Waterloo where I studied the natural sciences while also juggling a few teaching assistant roles and working in residence as a community leader. I've learned to be engaging and thoughtful while also fostering an environment where students can create connections to make school life more enjoyable. I love to create and build out tools and projects so that we can increase efficiencies and have a more interconnected world. I mainly specialise in Javascript, Node.js, React, Ruby and C/C++.


What I've done?

Rium Salon Website

Website Design


Website Design


Website Design


Website Design

Startup Framework

Website Design

Round Icons

Graphic Design

Recent Post

What I've Written?

Coding Challege 3

Programmers Coding Challege Develop Features

Algorithm's Efficiency

Big O “In Simple English”

Monogame Tutorial

Monogame Tutorial

How to Manage Time

Manage Time & Energy

How to solve a problem

Problem Solving Procedure

Blog History

Blog Renewal


It's not about 'having' time. It's about making time. If it matters, you will make time.

  • Grduated UW in 2018

    Participated in:

    Sigma Chi Literary Society
    Residence Life Leader
    Teaching Assistant
    Let's Talk Science Leader
    Orientation Week Leader

  • 2019

    Bell Community Development

    Informed the public of new Telco services
    Managed road shows and marketing events

  • 2020

    Executive Recruiter

    Worked with clients to scout talent for their open positions
    Exceeded quarterly targets

  • Graduated Seneca in 2022

    Computer Programming Degree

    Learned intermediate through advanced Programming principles.

  • Be Part
    Of My
