Blog History

Blog Renewal

Created: 2021-05-27

Edited: 2021-06-06, 2021-06-21

Author: George Petrovski

Blog History

Blog Renewal

Configure Blog

  • Date: 2021-05-27
  • Details: Change BaseURL, Theme

Set Up Local Environment

  • Date: 2021-05-28
  • Stack: Docker, Git
  • Reference: Docker Local Envrionment
  • docker-compose.yml code:
    version: "3.3"
      image: jekyll/jekyll:latest
      command: jekyll serve --force_polling --drafts --livereload --trace
        - "4000:4000"
        - ".:/srv/jekyll"
  • Reference: Docker Local Environment .yml file

Add Typed Animation in Header Introduction

  • Date: 2021-05-28
  • Stack: Liquid, Javascript(typed.min.js)
  • Code:
    <script type="text/javascript">
                      var typed = new Typed('.typed', {
                          // Waits 1000ms after typing "First"
                          strings: [
                              'Always Student.'
                          smartBackspace: true,
                          typeSpeed: 30,
                          backSpeed: 30,
                          backDelay: 1000,
                          loop: true,
                          loopCount: Infinity
  • Result: Typed Animation

Add Social

  • Date: 2021-05-29
  • Stack: Liquid, Jekyll
  • Details: StackOverFlow, Github, Linkedin

Fix Nav Menu Shrink Error

  • Date: 2021-05-29
  • Stack: Liquid, Jekyll, Javascript, jQuery
  • Problem: Nav Bar doesn’t shrink when scroll down.
  • Cause: In default.html, js.html is moved to the top second position for typed animation.
  • Solution: In header.html, typed animation script tags is surrounded by document.
  • Code:
    document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function(event) { });

Fix Mail Error

Add Favicon

  • Date: 2021-05-31
  • Stack: Liquid, Jekyll, Javascript, HTML

Add Biography

  • Date: 2021-05-31
  • Stack: Liquid, Jekyll, Javascript, HTML
  • Details: Agency Jekyll Theme had about section, but I replace it with biography section

Write Short About

  • Date: 2021-06-01
  • Stack: Liquid, Jekyll, Javascript, HTML
  • Details: Modify About Description

Add Resume Button

  • Date: 2021-06-01
  • Stack: Liquid, Jekyll, Javascript, HTML
  • Details: Add Resume Button in about section

Fix Font Size Error

  • Date: 2021-06-02
  • Stack: Liquid, Jekyll, Javascript, HTML
  • Details:
    • Add custom.css for responsive css
    • Add in style tag

{% include css/custom.css %}

Seperate Post and Portfolio

  • Date: 2021-06-05
  • Stack: Liquid, Jekyll, Javascript, HTML
  • Details:
    1. Using Jekyll Default Function “Category”
    2. Add Category to Markdown File (e.g. Post, Portfolio)

Seperate default.html and index.html

  • Date: 2021-06-05
  • Stack: Liquid, Jekyll, Javascript, HTML
  • Details:
    1. Seperate default template and index.html for the purpose for Scalable Static Website

Create post_grid.html

  • Date: 2021-06-05
  • Stack: Liquid, Jekyll, Javascript, HTML
  • Details:
    1. Create post_grid.html
    2. Add Liquid If statement to Filter Post only ```


Update custom.css

  • Date: 2021-06-05
  • Stack: Liquid, Jekyll, Javascript, HTML
  • Details:
    1. Modify custom.css for style for post
    2. Change portfolio style to post style

Fix Hover Color Error

  • Date: 2021-06-05
  • Stack: Liquid, Jekyll, Javascript, HTML
  • Details:
    1. Modify agency.css
    2. Modify custom.css
    3. Modify rgba

Add Tell me more button in portfolio and post section

  • Date: 2021-06-05
  • Stack: Liquid, Jekyll, Javascript, HTML

Seperate nav and header

  • Date: 2021-06-05
  • Stack: Liquid, Jekyll, Javascript, HTML

Change Nav background from transparent to #222

  • Date: 2021-06-05
  • Stack: Liquid, Jekyll, Javascript, HTML

Create nav_home and nav_detail

  • Date: 2021-06-05
  • Details:
    1. Seperate nav.html into nav_home and nav_detail for detailed homepage

Modify layout

  • Date: 2021-06-05
  • Details:
    1. Modify layout default
    2. Create layout detail

Create Detail pages

  • Date: 2021-06-05
  • Details:

Fix Recent Portfolio and Post Limit Error

  • Date: 2021-06-05
  • Details:
    1. Use assign statement to filter only portfolios from posts.
    2. Limit show only 6 Portfolios
    3. Use assign statement to filter only posts from all posts + portfolios.
    4. Limit show only 6 Posts

Fix Margin right Error

  • Date: 2021-06-06
  • Problem: Contents doesn’t fit to the full width in Mobile Environment(width:360px)
  • Cause: Using <div class="row"> inside a div with row class

Change Post Markdown Layout

  • Date: 2021-06-06
    1. Change Post Markdown Layout from default to detail
  • Purpose: Generate Links in Detail Homepage

Focusing on Posting after…

  • Date: 2021-06-08

Remove Empty Spaces in Grid

  • Date: 2021-06-21
  • Problem: 2 Empty Spaces after third columns
  • Cause: The length of title
  • Solve: Modify Grid System from col-md-4 to col-md-6